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Real Estate Transfer Tax

Tax Rate

The Real Estate Transfer Tax of $1.50 per $1,000 increment of value on the sale or transfer of real estate within the City.

Tax Refunds
Pursuant to Elmhurst Municipal Code, Real Estate Transfer Tax refunds are available if the payer of the tax previously owned and occupied a home in Elmhurst and within 180 days of the closing, purchases and occupies a new residence in Elmhurst.

Steps for Closing on a Sale of Property in Elmhurst

How to Obtain a City of Elmhurst Real Estate Transfer Stamp

Please note: All applications must be submitted, with all required documents, 72 hours before obtaining a transfer stamp. 

  1. Create an online portal account
    1. You can find the portal at:
      1. Directions on how to sign up for the portal can be found at:
  1. Apply for a Transfer Stamp in the online portal
    1. To apply for a Transfer Stamp, you will click “Apply” and then click on permit. Type Transfer Stamp into the search box; the option to apply for the transfer stamp will appear.
    2. When applying for a transfer stamp you will have the following information available:
      1. Address of property for sale
      2. Owner contact information (first & last name).
      3. Buyer contact information (first & last name; you may have to enter this information into the system manually)
      4. If any other contacts need access to this transfer stamp application, they will also need to create a portal account so that you can add them to the application. (this may be required to attach documents/forms needed for the stamp to be issued) Note: you can add them in after the application has been submitted by going into the application and clicking on contacts located on the summary page.
      5. Closing date & move-out date
      6. Full Actual Consideration for transfer & Consideration covered by stamps.
      7. Forwarding address of current property owner
      8. Buyer’s cell phone number & email address
3. Attachments
    1. The following documents/forms are required, but you can start the application process without them. All required forms must be submitted online, in the application, before the stamp is issued. We require the following forms/documents:
      1. Signed sales contract, signed by BOTH seller and buyer
      2. Deed (does not need to be signed)
      3. State of Illinois MY DEC real estate declaration (can be found online & does not need to be signed
    2. All forms provided must be typed and submitted 72 hours before obtaining a transfer stamp.
  1. Sump Inspection
    1. Once you have applied for a transfer stamp you should be able to request a sump inspection in the portal, in the transfer stamp application. Once the sump is approved the inspection will turn green in the portal. This inspection must be approved to obtain a stamp.
  1. Past Due Balances
    1. All past due balances must be paid in full with the City of Elmhurst. This includes:
      1. Current & past due Utility (water/sewer) bill – final meter reading will be scheduled based on information provided on the Transfer Stamp application. The final bill will be mailed to the seller's forwarding address.
      2. Parking tickets
      3. Miscellaneous receivables

Note: Payment for the real estate transfer tax is $1.50 per thousand of the sale price (rounded up to the nearest thousand) we accept cash, check, Visa, or MasterCard. Fees for the stamps can be paid online.

You have the option of having the stamp mailed to you, however, you will need to provide a pre-paid shipping label. This label can be added to the attachments.


If you have any questions, please contact the finance department at 630-530-3117 or 3118.